Healing Science in the Bioenergetic Spectrum

Spiritual Journey is Healing

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Royal Raymond Rife Short Biography
    • ...Building The Rife/Bare Device
  3. Ultra Photon Sound Beam VIII
  4. Bioenergetic Biofeedback...
  5. Chi Swing Exerciser for Pain Relief
  6. How to make a 3 to 5 ppm colloidal silver...
    • How to use Colloidal Silver
    • Mild Silver Protein
  7. The Healing Power of Music
  8. Harmonic Translator Case History Studies
  9. Insomnia Sleep Aid Solutions
  10. Low Level Laser Therapy
  11. Ozone Therapeutic Remedial Uses
    • Ozone Generator ideal for home and small business
  12. Pain & Injury Healing with Magnetic Pulse Therapy
  13. Comment on this Article

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Introduction to Healing Science at Bioenergetic Spectrum

Healing Science in the bioenergetic spectrum can involve acoustic, enzymatic, ionic, somatic, electromagnetic, and quantum dynamic healing modalities. This particular section on energy oriented Bioenergetics can be divided into Vibrational Energy categories of bioresonance and subtle energy.

Bioresonance therapies use biofeedback microcurrents and millivoltages to reorient distorted frequency waveforms resulting from trauma and energetic patterning in our body's cellular memory. Subtle Energy therapies use biological "witness" samples to remotely broadcast changes in the Bioenergy Field (aka: radionics).

Most common are Bioenergetic Instruments which use Electromagnetic Fields, Bioelectrical Signals, and Amplified Photon Irradiation to stimulate or induce natural biological responses. Many of us are already aware of transcutaneous electroneural stimulation (TENS) units have been used for pain relief for decades; this modality falls into the bioelectrical signal category.

Far beyond this level is an emerging new genre of Bioenergetic Instrument which focus on nourishment as well as symptomatic relief. Nourishing the body with harmonically rich carrier waves can re-establish the normal cellular resonance.

Extremely low bioelectrical currents in the micro amphere range can gently re-establish ideal electrical potency and polarity to dramatically decongest the body at the cellular level.

Who was Royal Raymond Rife? Short Biography

The work of Royal Raymond Rife is proliferated all over the web, but is overly focused on the technology as it was decades ago. Rather than glamorize heros of the past, we can truly honor them by advancing technologies into the 21st Century - because this is what THEY would do if they were alive and well, today. Those pioneers in energy oriented healing technologies would be introducing "Quantum Mechanical BioPhysics" and "Advanced WaveForm BioTechnologies." This page is now mobile device friendly.

Resonant Frequency Therapy: How to Build a true Rife/Bare Device

James E. Bare D.C. discusses the Rife/Bare instrument which utilizes patented methods and techniques to produce a modern day recreation of a relatively unknown therapy device. Plans and instructions are enclosed for building your own device. Now Mobile Device Friendly.

full-spectrum Frequency Technology

What is the Ultra Photon Sound Beam VIII?

Vibrational Energy Medicine advances the concepts of Tesla, Rife, Abrams, Lakhovsky and Ed Skilling, by combining an advanced lymph technology with full-spectrum Frequency Technology, and by utilizing the principles of Sacred Geometry and modern circuitry design.

Managing health becomes very simple with Energy Medicine. There are virtually no negative side effects as opposed to the multiple miasms induced by drug prescriptions for chronic ailments (which you will most likely have to take for the rest of your life once your "doctor" has you hooked). Most of these Vibrational Energy Instruments are best considered "Energy Supplements."

Energy and Information work hand in hand; the type of energy delivered to the body and the frequency waveform are the two fundamental factors of Energy Medicine. Presented are some examples of bioenergetic healing.

Bioenergetic Biofeedback: SCENAR Healing with Electrical Signals

What is Bioenergetic Biofeedback? How does it Heal with Electrical Signals?

Bioenergetic Biofeedback is studied as effects of electrical signals on healing wounds and defects. Russian Research produced a bioelectrical feedback device which utilizes the biophysical phenomenon of Self Controlling Energo-Neuro Adaptive Regulation (SCENAR).

How is a Chi Swing Exerciser used for Pain Relief?

Chi Swing Exerciser relieves common ailments that cause pain and stiffness and produces many remarkable benefits. Learn how the Chi Swing helps to eliminate body toxins and provide the essential benefits of exercise without putting stress on the spinal vertebrae, joints, heart and lungs without depleting vital body energy levels or causing injury.

How to make a 3 to 5 ppm colloidal silver generator

How to make a 3 to 5 ppm colloidal silver generator

Colloidal Silver Report describes how to make a generator and its application. Overall, it seems that the effective and safe use of colloidal silver in the treatment of dozens of common infectious disorders is only limited by the imagination and creativity of those afflicted. NOW, MOBILE DEVICE FRIENDLY!

What are the applications for Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal Silver Report describes its application as a Universal Antimicrobial.

What are the uses for Mild Silver Protein?

Mild Silver Protein (MSP) is a conglomeration of silver colloids along a protein strand. Silver Colloids have the ability to attach themselves to protein strands as simple as that provided by agar and other gelatins. The applications of MSP are efficacious in combating viralent strains of infection including e-coli as discussed in case studies provided. For Example, this SARS Report describes application of Colloidal Silver against anthrax and other organisms.

How does Music Heal Mind and Body?

The Healing Power of Music can influence the natural healing motility of genes, cells, and various structures in the body. Music has the power to cause emotions to well up within us. These feelings are gripping - often irresistible - and seem to emerge from nowhere. These feelings colour our moods, affect our perceptions and generate a behavioural pattern. The indisputable fact about music is its power to evoke emotions. Is there anyone, for whom, music is completely emotional - neutral? Music has the ability to inevitably tap the still, mysterious deep well of our emotions... A treatise on the Solfeggio Scale is included.

What is an example of computer / digitally guided bioresonance?

Harmonic Translator Case studies by inventor, John Monroe, demonstrate bioenergetic treatments in clinical situations. Includes treatise on our relationship to the environment by way of viral organisms.

Sleep Mate

What kind of non-invasive Sleep Aid Solution uses pulsed electromagnetic fields?

Insomnia disorders and the resulting sleep deprivation can be treated with pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) therapy which has been used with high degrees of success compared to orthodox treatments. Includes scientific studies and other various holistic solutions.

How has Low Level Laser Therapy been used for healing in clinical studies?

Within the last decade, medical scientists have experimented with Low level laser irradiation therapy for treating chronic ailments including case studies for treating tuberculosis; study in patients with primary Raynaud's phenomenon; Transmeatal irradiation for tinnitus; morphometric assessment of the effect on bone repair; quantum therapy for the treatment of stable angina, and more.

What are the Therapeutic Remedial Uses of Ozone?

Learn how the therapeutic remedial uses of Ozone are an effective treatment for viral infections such as mycoplasmydial, chlamydial, and rickettsial infections without any of the long-term side effects of antibiotics.

therapeutic remedial uses of Ozone

What size Ozone Generator is ideal for home and small business use?

Dr. Harold Katz, who understands ozone therapy and ozone treatments, designed a generator according to his patients' specs.

How to Heal Pain & Injury with Magnetic Pulse Therapy

Extremely low frequencies of 0.5 to 18Hz with specially shaped multi-rhythm bio-waveforms of oscillating magnetic energy fields can influence the ion exchange at the cellular level and also have an effect on oxygen transport, blood activity and flow. This is important for the promotion of healing of casual factors, such as injuries or disease, in conjunction with appropriate nutrients and under the guidance of a suitably qualified health-care practitioner.

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